Whispering Wind Magaine


Reach over 14,000 readers when you advertise in Whispering Wind Magazine. Use our e-mail address to send for our ad rate package including reader demographics.

Banner ads are also available on our Trading Post Links page. Click here for rates.

Receive a FREE banner ad with a paid display ad in the magazine!





Fax: (985) 796-9236


Rate Card: 289
Effective September 1, 2022 with Vol 49 # 6 Issue # 3336

                         14,000 readers (3.45 readers per copy) Reader demographics available upon request.

WHISPERING WIND Magazine reaches readers in all 50 states. 86% of the circulation is by mail subscription. The remaining 14% is by retail over-the-counter sales with a 60% sell through. 2% of the readership is in Canada and other foreign countries, West Germany and England having the largest European circulation. Reader profiles and current circulation is available on request.


MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS: Trim Size: 8 3/8" X 10 7/8" 

Advertisers must supply copy and/or art. Typesetting, layout, artwork and ad changes not furnished in digital format by advertiser will be charged 25% of first insertion rate for respective ad. This is a one time charge per ad. Ads submitted on disk should be sized correctly as 300 dpi in the following format: TIFF, JPG, PDF files (high resolution with crop marks). Full page bleed should be 1/4” added to all sides.

Photos: IF NOT PROVIDED IN DIGITAL FORMAT:  $25.00 per photo. This is a one time charge per photo. There is no charge if furnished on disk. For color ads or photos furnished in digital format; laser proof or original photo is required.  

We cannot accept film since we are totally DTP. There is no layout charge for digitally furnished ads. 


Issue:                                                                                         Mail in:  
Vol 50 # 5-Issue 339            July 15, 2024                          August 2034

Vol 50 # 6-Issue 340            Sept 1, 2024                            Sept 2024

Vol 51 # 1-Issue 341            October 15, 2024                  November 2024

Vol 51 # 2-Issue 342            December 1, 2024                 December 2024


 Always call for updated closing dates.... we are very flexible and in most cases can fit you into upcoming issue.

Advertising received after deadline will automatically fall into next issue's schedule.


CANCELLATIONS of advertising must be received prior to closing date.

Click here to download ad contract. Call for availability in the current issue.  

PAYMENT OF ADS: Payment must accompany first insertion. Subsequent insertions will be billed. Discounts apply when advertiser contracts at time of placing ad. All accounts not paid in full within 30 days of date of invoice shall incur a late charge of 1.5% per month from the due date until paid in full. All advertisers must supply the name, address (not post office box) , and phone number, SS# or EIN of the responsible individual for our files.


All rates are based on camera ready art including digital files & are quoted as "per issue" rates. Discount rates are based on consecutive issue insertions.




Full (bleed): 8 3/8" x 10 7/8"   
Full: 7 1/2" x 9 1/4"  
2/3 (
vert): 4 3/4" x 9 1/4"  
1/2 (
vert): 3 1/4" x 9 1/4"   
1/2 (
horiz):7 1/2" x 4 1/2"   
1/3 (
vert): 2 1/4" x 9 1/4"   
1/3 (
horiz): 4 3/4" x 4 3/4"   
1/4 (
vert): 3 1/4" x 4 1/2"   
1/4 (
horiz):7 1/2" x 2 1/4"   
1/6 (
horiz): 4 3/4" x 2 3/8"   
1/6 (
vert): 2 1/8" x 4 7/8"   
1/8 (
horiz): 3 1/4" x 2 1/4" 


15 word minimum.   
    Name & address counts as 5 words.   
Rates are for "per word":   
    1 or 2 inserts: $1.00 per word per issue  
    3,4 or 5 inserts: 90 cents per word per issue  
    6 or more inserts: 85 cents per word per issue


Ad position at the discretion of the editor. For specific ad placement position requested by advertiser, add $15 per issue. 

15% to recognized advertising agencies. Commission based on ad space charge only.  

Blow-in, Bind-in, Tip-on Cards  
$100/m from advertiser supplied cards. E-mail or call for size specifications and quantity specifications.  

List Rental:  
Active subscribers: $100/m base. E-mail or call for more details (1-800-301-8009) 

Foreign Subscribers:  
Reach our foreign subscribers with your promotional piece for only $1.50 per ounce.  
Call (1-800-301-8009) or email: info@whisperingwind.com for current quantity needed. 


E-mail us for more information including reader demographics & sample copy. info@whisperingwind.com


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